It is preferred by all our customers for its elegant design of barfi shaped stitches on leather. You can use the bag as a handbag or sling with the removable comfortable shoulder strap. This bag has enough capacity to organize your daily items, such as 9.7-inch iPad, book, umbrella, wallet, water bottle, iPhone and cosmetics, etc. enables the user to carry his essentials wherever he chooses. Like- party, office, college, travel etc.
Although the bag is light in weight, it can hold more things than you imagine.
Why to Buy From A2G?
- We provide the 100% genuine leather in our store. Our main aim is to satisfy customer with our best product and best services.
- All products are available at discounted prices up to 30% off
- Buy 100% Original Leather Product Only From A2G. Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed.
- A2G is a registered trademark. Any unauthorized seller will certainly bear the legal consequences of Trademark / Copyright Infringement.
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